Molcon Interwheels The Netherlands - Belgium
Molcon Interwheels has locations in the Netherlands (Heinkenszand) and Belgium (Dendermonde). The company structure is divided into two business units, the Wholesale and Manufacturing units:
The sales, marketing, aftersales and logistics departments at Molcon Interwheels are brought together in Belgium, where there is also some 40,000 m² of storage terrain. The production of the wheels is located in the Netherlands. We have sales departments in both the Netherlands and Belgium.
This structure offers many advantages. The fact that we have a sales office in Belgium as well as in the Netherlands prevents any potential alienation from the sales area. By keeping a presence in the different markets where our products are sold, we are able to maintain optimal customer relations and stay on top of the latest developments. Within the company, this also leads to a stimulating interchange and within the overarching departments, people of different nationalities work alongside each other. This allows us to ensure that in every situation, we take an approach that is perfectly suited to our international target audience. It also generates mutual inspiration and keeps our outlook both open and critical.